LIVING LIFE : How teen peer pressure is a source of problems

I guess that by this time, all high schools and schools of higher learning have finished their exams and students are out on vacation. Vacation is a time to enjoy after weeks of hard work put in preparing for the final exams. But unfortunately, it is also a time when teenagers, i.e. students of high school or early university have ample free time on their hands. 

Friday, November 20, 2009

I guess that by this time, all high schools and schools of higher learning have finished their exams and students are out on vacation. Vacation is a time to enjoy after weeks of hard work put in preparing for the final exams.

But unfortunately, it is also a time when teenagers, i.e. students of high school or early university have ample free time on their hands.

Much of this time is spent in the company of other teenagers, and that is when many problems arise due to peer pressure.

Teenagers do many things knowing fully well that it is wrong and harmful, but under pressure of their friends, they go ahead. Many of these things are harmful for the health and   are also frivolous waste of one’s precious time.
I received a young boy of about 17 years, whose only problem was that he was not able to do, "sex”.

I tried to tell him that he was quiet young for such sort of problems and should not bother about it. But he did not seem to be convinced. Obviously he must have been discussing sex   with his friends and could have been under pressure to, "perform”.

Many studies, show adolescents and teenagers to indulge in activities harmful for their health under pressure of their age mates. Sex particularly unprotected, is one of them.

It leads to health related problems. Unwanted pregnancy, illegal abortion under septic conditions, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS all occur due to ignorance and unprotected intercourse.

Many teenagers take up smoking and drinking   alcohol   at this stage just to be at par with their friends and find it difficult to give up later because of getting addicted. 

Intake of   habit forming drugs like marijuana, cocaine, and opium is a habit some teenagers start but then, they are unable to quit and suffer physically, mentally as well as financially due to these drugs at a later age.

Another kind of peer pressure teenagers face, is regarding the external appearance of their bodies. Girls at this age are extremely conscious of their figures.

Television depicting pencil thin models and the various beauty contests are partly responsible for this. To obtain such slim and trim figures, they often indulge in crash dieting which is harmful for their over all nutritional status and health.

Boys want to build muscles like the film stars they see on screen. Little do these youngsters realize that every individual has a different body composition depending on genetics, height, weight, muscle mass, bone density, e.t.c.
Correct diet and level of exercise, also influence the body build or figure. Therefore, one should aim to keep his/her body healthy, but not try to be a clone of another person.

Acne and pimples are another presumed problem for teenagers which is much discussed among them. Extensive marketing by   cosmetic companies and pharmaceuticals producing anti acne creams, adds on the hype to obtain a,” clear” complexion.

Actually acne and pimples are due to hormonal effect in the body and subside spontaneously after 8 to 10 years, i.e. by the time one is a full grown adult.

Teenagers should understand that   a face on a   healthy youthful body has an inherent glow of its own which has absolutely no need for cosmetics.

If we look at the root of these problems, a changing society and values are largely responsible for it. About 50/60 years ago, teenagers   had much interaction with elders in the family, where they were transformed from children into responsible adults as per the traditions and culture.

Now children are freer, and have greater interaction with their contemporary mates.   For example   being in boarding schools, they are away with their friends for far greater time than they would be spending at home.  Even when they are at home, parents are too busy to communicate with them freely.

Electronic entertainment is also responsible for many problems of teenagers. Watching T.V. or videos or internet is ok to kill time but it is a totally passive entertainment.

It does not provide any kind of positive stimuli for the mind or body. Result, is they turn to alcohol, drugs, crime or sex to seek the thrill which they are missing in their daily lives.

Barring few exceptions, these teenagers do not turn out to be responsible members of the society when adult. The rise in the crimes committed by rich young people in developed countries is a glaring example of this fact.

Therefore, it is the collective responsibility of teachers and parents to make   growing children understand the difference between good and bad, and how the bad things can ruin their health and future.

Greater   interaction is needed between   teenagers and their elders such that elders are looked upon as a source for guidance and not their colleagues.

Teen age is a time to develop one’s personality and skills, and should not be wasted on meaningless harmful activities.

Children should be encouraged to indulge in healthy pass times like reading, craft making, and gardening e.t.c., during holidays. 

I think to keep the growing children busy and happy at home, is the only solution to keep them away from the harmful effects of teen peer pressure.