Eating apples to keep your heart healthy

Apples are such commonly consumed fruits that it is easy to overlook their amazing and unique health benefits.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Apples are such commonly consumed fruits that it is easy to overlook their amazing and unique health benefits.

Apples combine certain nutrients in a way that sets them apart from all other fruits and makes them a food of choice for achieving several health goals.

Apples contain a long list of phytonutrients that function as antioxidants and support our heart’s health.

People need to keep blood circulating around the bodies and it’s very important for substances in our blood and the walls of our blood vessels to stay healthy and protected from damage.

The antioxidants contained in apple help protect the cardiovascular system from oxygen-related damage.

To take full advantage of the antioxidants in apples, it is important to include the skins or outside cover of the fluid.

Since the skins are also most exposed to the outside world, we always recommend the purchase of naturally grown apples to minimize the apple skin’s exposure to unwanted pesticide sprays and other potential contaminants.

Flavonoid is also another important component found in apples. It helps prevent excessive and unwanted inflammation and the clumping together of blood platelets.

It also helps regulate blood pressure and overproduction of fats in the liver cells.

Apples also contain fibers that keep cholesterol levels under control.

It is advised to eat apples at least three days in a week, to enjoy its health benefits. 
