Cine Star Cinema

is located in Nyamirambo near the Mosque.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

is located in Nyamirambo near the Mosque.

7 p.m: 44 minutes de Terreur (French).
44 minutes is a short period of time in the grand scheme of life. On Feb. 28, 1997, 44 minutes must have felt like a lifetime for the LAPD in North Hollywood.

It was the day that two heavily armed men walked into Bank of America to rob it, and when they came out, there was not intention of going to jail.

9 p.m: Children of Men (English).
Children of Men is not a popcorn movie. With its almost relentlessly bleak perspective on the future, Alfonso Cuarón’s film doesn’t make for pleasant viewing.

But it’s an exhilarating experience because the picture is an amazing dystopian drama that lacks all the typical trappings of the genre.

Clive Owen plays Theo, an Englishman attempting to make a life in a hellish world. It works on every level: as a violent chase thriller, a fantastical cautionary tale, and a sophisticated human drama about societies struggling to live. The movie will have you riveted.

7p.m: Night Train (French).

The ‘Night Train’ thriller is a catching story about two passengers and the conductor. They are all on a night train and a person dies—but his diamonds are here.

And of course they would like to keep diamonds for themselves … they invent an ideal plan how to get rid of the corpse and steal these precious stones. But in a couple of hours they become paranoid.

9 p.m: The Other Boleyn Girl (English)
Though it features some extravagant and entertaining moments, The Other Boleyn Girl feels more like a soap opera than historical drama.

Based on the best selling novel by Philippa Gregory, ‘The Other Boleyn Girl’ is an engrossing and sensual tale of intrigue, romance, and betrayal set against the backdrop of defining moments.

7p.m: Hitch ((French)
In Hitch, the 2005 romantic-comedy movie starring Will Smith and Eva Mendes, Smith stars as Alex Hitchens, a professional matchmaker.

Hitch teaches ordinary men how to successfully pursue beautiful women. Once a lonely and subsequently heartbroken wallflower himself, Hitch has learned how to manipulate women.

The movie Hitch is cute, sweet, and funny, but that is the basic plot of the first half of the movie - Hitch can teach any man to be a player.

9 p.m: Hurt Locker (English).
The Hurt Locker is a phenomenal movie whose whirlwind action and terrific performances easily make it a contender come awards season later this year.

The film follows a squad of the Army’s little known Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) division whose job is to disarm roadside bombs on the streets of Baghdad.
