Felicitations, Rwanda Revenue Authority!

Editor, As a proud East African, I am elated by the news that RRA has exceeded expectations on tax collections this quarter. Certainly, this achievement is due to the increased trade and interactions within the East African Community Custom Union bloc. 

Sunday, November 08, 2009


As a proud East African, I am elated by the news that RRA has exceeded expectations on tax collections this quarter. 

Certainly, this achievement is due to the increased trade and interactions within the East African Community Custom Union bloc.

Indeed intra-trade amongst the five East African Nations increased by 47% last year to Rwf 1,571
Billion from Rwf1, 070 Billion while exports to the rest of the world jumped by 27%.

These are magical figures no doubt to a lot of people, but they certainly clearly indicate the massive possibilities that exist for us East Africans through our unity.

However, it might also be instructive to make comparison of the projections on tax collection by RRA of roughly Rwf 354 Billion (all things being constant) this year with the Revenue figures of just one company in Kenya called Safaricom who are projecting on Rwf 312Billion the same period!

Kenya Revenue Authority projects tax collection in excess of Rwf 4, 620 Billion during this same period.

Felicitations and encouragements are certainly in order, but there is clearly a whole lot of work to be done in Rwanda too.

Thank you.

Tom Marrinka
Nairobi, Kenya,