Career guidance centres launched

Sixteen, Career Advisory Centres (CAC) have been launched in 16 private and public universities. The programme that was established in March is expected to guide students on the careers they want to take.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sixteen, Career Advisory Centres (CAC) have been launched in 16 private and public universities.

The programme that was established in March is expected to guide students on the careers they want to take.

RDB’s Deputy CEO in charge of Human Capital and Institutional Development, Déogratias Harorimana launched the programme.

"We want the students now to identify career goals, explore career options, do educational planning and be more certain of their career plans,” Harorimana said.

At the same function, RDB donated an assortment of equipment worth Rwf 200 million to the centres as support to promote career education in schools around the country.
The donation includes computers, office furniture, stationary, telephones and television sets.

Harorimana said that this would help the CAC staff perform their duties which would also be taken to secondary schools.

Harorimana called upon career advisory personnel to be part of the universities’ planning to draw up strategies that would help achieve the targets.

It was also agreed during the launch that all Universities harmonise a five-year strategic plan that would help push career education to all schools across the country.
