Whatever it takes, I will be a footballer

Regardless of his height and age, Alexis Bogotá expresses his dreams of becoming a famous footballer in the future. Only 5 years old, Bogota hasn’t yet started school, this gives him the chance to spend all his valuable time at Amahoro stadium admiring footballers. Here he takes the opportunity to practice playing football.  

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Regardless of his height and age, Alexis Bogotá expresses his dreams of becoming a famous footballer in the future.

Only 5 years old, Bogota hasn’t yet started school, this gives him the chance to spend all his valuable time at Amahoro stadium admiring footballers. Here he takes the opportunity to practice playing football.

"I admire all the big footballers in APR but my favorite is Bogota,”says little Bogota.

He is a staunch fan of APR FC, and he always dresses up in black and white to identify with the team—a sign of his total support.

He stays with his mother and Bokota’s leaves home to go for practice. His role model is APR footballer, Bogota Labama. 

"I will see to it that I become like him,” he says.
He was named Bogota by his mother who is also a passionate APR fan.

His passion to become a footballer has open doors for this little boy’s education; APR FC has pledged and taken up the responsibility to pay Bokota’s tuition next year when he begins school.
