Cine Star Cinema

Friday:7:00: Slumdog Millionaire (French). Jamal, an 18-year-old Indian orphan who has spent his life scavenging on the streets, lands as a contestant on the Hindi version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and he wins — Big.Directed by the whiz-bang fabulist Danny Boyle.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

7:00: Slumdog Millionaire (French).
Jamal, an 18-year-old Indian orphan who has spent his life scavenging on the streets, lands as a contestant on the Hindi version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and he wins — Big.
Directed by the whiz-bang fabulist Danny Boyle.

9:00p.m: G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (English). Well, this is a summer action film, and if you go in for that, you won’t be disappointed. If your looking for a movie with top notch acting or a well devolved plot, you’ll be disappointed, though if you came into a GI Joe movie for those two things, what where you thinking?


7: 00p.m: Taking of Pelham 123 (French).
In the ‘The Taking of Pelham 123’, Scott treats us to his usual style of hyperactive, restless cinematography – cutting from close ups of Ryder (John Travolta) with his tattooed neck and handlebar moustache to sped up and slowed down shots of New York from every angle imaginable that suddenly grind to a halt when we see Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) for the first time in his boring office setting where he works as a disgraced dispatcher accused of taking bribes.

9:00p.m: Loaded
In this feature debut by Jane Campion’s sister Anna, a party of English school leavers travels to a remote country house to shoot a low budget horror movie.

7:00 p.m:
Fired Up (French). Fired Up is more than predictable and the only things that make it funny are the random characters and the overall humor of the world of cheerleading.
Shawn Colfax (Nicholas D’Agosto) and Nick Brady (Eric Christian Olsen) have a reputation around their highschool of scoring as many points with the girls as they do on the football field.

9:00 p.m: Blue (English). The story of the film revolves around the search of treasure hidden in the deep blue waters of the sea near Bahamas. Aarav (Akshay Kumar), who owns Blue fishing company, and is a rich ambitious business man, wants his friend and employee Sagar (Sanjay Dutt) to go for it.
