Fifa to inspect Nyamirambo stadium

A one man Fifa technical team arrives in the country today to inspect  work on the Nyamirambo artificial turf stadium which the world body funded to a tune of over $ 350,000.

Friday, November 16, 2007

A one man Fifa technical team arrives in the country today to inspect  work on the Nyamirambo artificial turf stadium which the world body funded to a tune of over $ 350,000.

According to Ferwafa’s Chief Executive Officer, Jules Kalisa, Antonin Rousseau is expected to examine the artificial turf stadium before recommending it to host any games.

Kalisa further added that Rousseau’s visit is not connected to a much-hyped Fifa inspection of stadia, hotels, tourist destinations and infrastructure ahead of the 2010 World Cup due in South Africa from which Rwanda expects to benefit by hosting one of the World Cup bound teams for its training sessions ahead of the tournament.

"Rousseau will be in the country to access the progress in which the artificial turf was laid at Nyamirambo stadium, chosen for the Fifa project which will also benefit several other African countries,”

"The Fifa inspector will be here only for the artificial turf project at Nyamirambo, not anything else in connection with the 2010 World Cup,” Kalisa said.

Rwanda is also renovating the main national sports Stadium, Amahoro in Kigali as it prepares to host a thorough African Youth championship in 2009. The construction of an artificial turf at Nyamirambo stadium which started back in March climaxed in September.

The offer was pledged by the international soccer governing body, Fifa, in its "Win for Africa with Africa” project which is meant to help World Cup bound teams play warm up games across the continent before the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
