Pres. Obama isn’t worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize

Editor, I am an American living in Rwanda and I would like to dispute the author of “A letter to the MotherLand” (Emile Babu-Ed), who seems to favor bad government in the USA and the world.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I am an American living in Rwanda and I would like to dispute the author of "A letter to the MotherLand” (Emile Babu-Ed), who seems to favor bad government in the USA and the world.

Because I know that most of you don’t know about Obama’s policies and actions, I think awarding him the Nobel Peace Prize is a serious mistake.

His criticism of former President, George Bush, does not make sense in a nation like Rwanda that has had a good leader, who was not afraid to initiate war to protect his people and topple a corrupt government that supported genocidal forces- as did Pres. Bush.

Here is a short list of Obama’s policies and actions as US president, which were all opposed by President Bush:

1. He appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), as an Assistant in the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools.

Kevin wrote a book where he admitted that he broke the abuse reporting law and did not report a boy who said he had illegal sex with an adult man.

He never admitted any wrong in his self-admitted abuse of drugs and alcohol. 

2. The Healthcare bill he is pushing is clearly understood to provide federal funding for abortion and to take away most of the individual freedom of privacy and right to choose medical care.

3. One of his first actions in office was to stop the prosecution of the group of men responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11.

4. He has repeatedly promised to change the military policy that does not allow open homosexuality and would result in "straight” men & women required to sleep in tents with open homosexuals, even though men and women are kept separate.

5. He supports permitting immigration and providing transportation and settlement expenses for Arabs from the "occupied territories” which are hotbeds of terrorism.  The health care bill will pay the medical expense for them and for illegal immigrants.

6. He has visited many Moslem countries, but has not visited Israel, our ally, who defends the developed world.
Is that the kind of person who deserves the Nobel Peace Prize?

He also supports a bill which is seeking sweeping new powers to "shut down” all private Internet in the event of a "cybersecurity emergency” — a vague term that the president can define at his discretion.

Right now there is much opposition through the internet to the above policies and the older people that could benefit from the health-care bill are leading the opposition to it, because it takes away freedom and the value of life.

Greg Cunningham, Gisenyi resident
New Wave Ministry Founder