ACTIVITY CENTRE : Make your room attractive

Every kid has a room they sleep in. Children share rooms with their brothers or sisters and enjoy resting in their rooms because they look great. A room is a place where you can rest, read a good story book and play different indoor games.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Every kid has a room they sleep in. Children share rooms with their brothers or sisters and enjoy resting in their rooms because they look great. A room is a place where you can rest, read a good story book and play different indoor games.

This can only happen when you make your room look nice and comfortable. 

First of all having an attractive colour-- probably your favourite colour on the wall will brighten your room.

To add value to the appearance of your room, you can put your art work, coloured drawings, favourite photos and posters on a notice board on the walls.

You can also decorate your rooms with different things that you like. Things you enjoy looking at like pictures from your favorite cartoons, games and toy characters like Spiderman, Scooby Doo, Lion King and also with wind chimes. 

You can also use different themes like of outer space, plants, the sky and whatever you like.  These can be in the form of curtains, wallpaper, carpets and waste paper baskets.

With such a room, you can find the best place to be as you relax, read your books and rest.

The least you can do is not write or make your wall dirty. That wall paint did cost your parents a lot. Always ask someone to help you decorate your room, so that you can get different ideas of how best you can upgrade your room. 
