Can we have more regional news TNT?

Editor, First of all, I want to thank you for your efforts in providing updated news to the Rwandan people on a daily basis; this is a commendable achievement. However I have a small gripe. I read the paper every day and I think that some more effort is needed in providing more regional news.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


First of all, I want to thank you for your efforts in providing updated news to the Rwandan people on a daily basis; this is a commendable achievement.

However I have a small gripe. I read the paper every day and I think that some more effort is needed in providing more regional news.

It seems your regional news is concentrated in the Eastern province as compared to other provinces. Certainly, you try to give us countrywide news but it is not at the level of the Eastern Province.

My suggestion is to extend the same coverage to the other provinces.
Richard Kubana