SOCIETY MATTERS : Homosexuality in our constitution!! Ooh hell no.

Sometime back I wrote in this column about homosexuality which is slowly crawling into our societies. In that article, I was drawing my examples from our neighbouring country, Uganda. Little did I know that we also have this group of people here. A few days after my article, I got a very harsh response from a couple that claimed to belong to this group of people criticizing me for being a segregationist.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sometime back I wrote in this column about homosexuality which is slowly crawling into our societies. In that article, I was drawing my examples from our neighbouring country, Uganda. Little did I know that we also have this group of people here.
A few days after my article, I got a very harsh response from a couple that claimed to belong to this group of people criticizing me for being a segregationist.

According to them they also deserved to have their rights like any other Rwandan.

They went further to say that my views were against the principles of a modern Rwanda, namely of inclusion, unity and reconciliation and said that they were very much disappointed in the author of the article for inciting such hatred to the public.

When I was writing this article which had a title "we can’t just allow sodomy to eat into our society’, I didn’t know that gays in Rwanda were operating secretly and that they had associations.

It is early last week that the homosexuals came out to publicly announce their existence and to tell the public and anybody who would care to listen that they were here to fight for their rights.

According to the leader of the group, Naomi Ruzindana, she wants the government to approve homosexuality in the Rwandan constitution and to let them operate freely like any other Rwandan.

According to her, being a homosexual is not of their own making but innate.

Hearing all this, one cannot stop wondering about the rate at which such vices are crawling in our societies in the name of freedom of expression courtesy of the western culture.

As a Rwandan, I cannot stand hearing such characters agitating for ratification and calling the government to legalise their actions as if by doing so the country will gain in one way or the other.

As Rwandans we would like to welcome new things which are developmental but not things such as homosexuality.

This is real madness because if we let this trend continue like this, our cultural norms and values are on the verge of collapse due to such influences.

Like I had said, the act of homosexuality is not only unacceptable in African society, but also against nature and something that God according to the bible hates with a passion.

Homosexuals do argue that being one is not their own choice and that it is natural that one is born a homosexual, something that is not true because according to nature every female has to have a male in order to reproduce themselves.

One may opt not to reproduce though but that wouldn’t be against nature and ethics. So, don’t hop onto this as a claim that one may opt to be gay…

This is the reason why we don’t see the male animals mounting one another and the female ones also doing the same. This example clearly shows that homosexuality is not a natural thing but a mental disorder.

According to psychiatrists, the Homosexual complication is not inborn but a problem that comes up due to what a person went through in their life time which leads them to hate the opposite sex and thereby resorting to wanting to sleep with the people of the same sex like them.

It is advisable therefore, that people who have these complications be helped to seek a psychiatrist’s attention to help them overcome these problems instead of indulging themselves in such acts that degrade the norms of our society and also pose problems to their health.

I think we should all stand up and oppose this move by the gays of wanting to come out and operate publicly in this country because it is not only a shame to us but can also lead to corrupting the minds of our young people who want to copy the latest into wanting to try the new trend.

We should not allow the homosexuals to let us feel as if the whole thing is normal and yet it has never and will never be normal. It simply is unnatural and against the African culture.
