Congratulations Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development

Editor, It’s with pleasure that I learnt of the growing strength of one of our very own home grown initiatives for development- Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD) from an article in the New Times last week.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


It’s with pleasure that I learnt of the growing strength of one of our very own home grown initiatives for development- Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD) from an article in the New Times last week.

It’s always pleasant to learn of local organisations that work despite lack of resources and still produce visible achievements.

The organisation, for the past seven years, has been involved in capacity building of local leaders in handling land disputes.

We are aware of the many achievements the development initiative has achieved especially in the capacity building the grassroots through policy research, advocacy and networking.

My words to the incoming chairperson Bishop Nathan Kamusiime, who taken from Richard Murigande is that though he has inherited a good he must continuously spearhead the development the organisation.

Gathoni Muoria