A very interesting website about Rwanda that you should write about

Editor, I saw this website about Rwanda http://myrwanda.rw/twitter.php that I felt would be interesting to fellow readers. This websites monitors the Twitter site for posts about Rwanda and displays them in real time.

Saturday, October 03, 2009


I saw this website about Rwanda http://myrwanda.rw/twitter.php that I felt would be interesting to fellow readers. This websites monitors the Twitter site for posts about Rwanda and displays them in real time.

It’s a really innovative tool and very interesting to watch it as people talk about Rwanda on the social networking site Twitter.

Every minute or two one can see someone somewhere in the world saying something about Rwanda. It’s really interesting just to watch it.

I really feel you should talk about it somewhere in the news paper at least to encourage such innovative programming by Rwanda’s enterprising developers.

Vysakh R Nambiar