The secret life of...: Charles Karake

Charles Karake is the Executive Secretary of the Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat – PSCBS. He is married and blessed with six children; the youngest is 17 years old.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Charles Karake

Charles Karake is the Executive Secretary of the Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat – PSCBS. He is married and blessed with six children; the youngest is 17 years old.

Below he shares some of his life with us:

The first thing you do in the morning…
I do minor stretches and shower.

When are you happiest?
When I receive good news of my children’s performance in national exams.

Greatest fear…

Earliest childhood memory…
The events that led to our taking refuge from Rwanda in 1960.

Affectionate memory of your parents...
For having withstood the challenges of being refugees.

Greatest achievement…
Launching the national capacity building agenda known as the Multi-Sector Capacity Building Programme.

What keeps you awake?
Thoughts on how best to package sustainable capacity building interventions in Rwanda.

The most important thing life has taught you…
People matter more than anything else, because people can do or undo anything.

During your free time…
I conduct social negotiations leading to marriages among young couples.

Retirement plans…
Engage in research and publications on capacity development initiatives in Africa.