Congratulations Sports View Hotel

Editor, I am writing this letter to appreciate the continuous effort made by Rwandans to maintain good morals and good customer service.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I am writing this letter to appreciate the continuous effort made by Rwandans to maintain good morals and good customer service.

It has come to my knowledge that following the letter I wrote to The New Times concerning the Pornographic incident at Sports View Hotel, the Management, has taken the steps to ensure that the people that were responsible for that served as an example to the rest.

I understand from reliable sources that the manager, supervisor and other employees on duty that night, were sacked with immediate effect after the Management learnt about the act.

I want to thank the Senior Manager Benjamin Wambua for taking that action against the workers who did not have the hotels best interests at heart.

I wish to congratulate the Management for proving to the public that they are in line with the country’s drive towards good customer care.

I would also like to appeal to each and every individual to make it their policy to be the Government’s eye on customer care.

This is the only way we will change the poor services in the country. Thanks to New Times for always being ready to expose such matters, not in bad faith, but with the aim of changing the Nation.

Cynthia Mutesi