Know about climate change

Climate change is one of the biggest topics world over and this is because of its effects on people’s lives and the environment. Scientists report that the earth’s climate is getting warm by the day and at a terrible speed. This has caused a lot of health and environment problems.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Climate change is one of the biggest topics world over and this is because of its effects on people’s lives and the environment. Scientists report that the earth’s climate is getting warm by the day and at a terrible speed. This has caused a lot of health and environment problems.

Climate change has also been the cause of the very hot seasons that are experienced  around the world. Luckily the causes have been found out and these are human activities like burning down forests.

However, pollution from factories and industries in developed countries has been the biggest causes of climate change.

Due to climate change, the coldest places in the world like the Arctic and Antarctica in the North and South Pole’s are melting. Polar bears are dying and becoming extinct yet they are rare species.  

In this respect, the fight against the causes of climate change has become very important for many countries today. 

As the world troubles to get appropriate measures to curb this problem, it is also necessary for children to actively take part.

They can grow up knowing how to protect the environment and also teach others about the importance of the environment. This will give them a good life for them and the generation to come.

All people are custodians to the world that God formed. This means that they should take care of the plants, animals and the environments that they live in.

At the end of the day, this is what will reduce the problem of climate change.
