The secret life of...

Spencer Bugingo is the Legal Advisor in the Ministry of Health. He is married and blessed with a daughter. Below he shares more with us:

Friday, September 11, 2009
Spencer Bugingo

Spencer Bugingo is the Legal Advisor in the Ministry of Health. He is married and blessed with a daughter. Below he shares more with us:

The first thing you do in the morning…
I have a 10 to 15 minutes’ walk, take a shower and have breakfast.
When are you happiest?
Listening to my daughter and watching her play

Greatest fear…
Being broke

Earliest childhood memory…
The time when I used to do arithmetic using short sticks and getting the answers right.

 Affectionate memory of your parents…
Playing the flute while herding on green pastures with grandpa.
Greatest achievement…
Helping and sponsoring two abandoned orphans.   

What keeps you awake?
Complex assignments related to work and anything that bothers my family.

The most important lesson life has taught you…
Reach out to people; being alert and aware of the world around me.

During your free time…
Play chess, pool or take a walk.

Retirement plans
Live by any water body, to engage in farming and teaching.