THE HATER : I hate people who…

…pretend to be medical experts. Some of you used a bus from Kigali to Kampala or to Nairobi. Oh my, there is this crazy guy who boards the bus from around Mbarara selling all sorts of drugs. Last week on my way to Kampala, this fellow got onto the bus and started shouting in very lousy Kiswahili about the Chinese drugs that could heal all sorts of diseases.

Friday, September 11, 2009

…pretend to be medical experts.
Some of you used a bus from Kigali to Kampala or to Nairobi. Oh my, there is this crazy guy who boards the bus from around Mbarara selling all sorts of drugs. Last week on my way to Kampala, this fellow got onto the bus and started shouting in very lousy Kiswahili about the Chinese drugs that could heal all sorts of diseases.

On top of disturbing my sleep he really got me mad with his ranting. I thought I was on a luxury bus not in a hospital. Who the hell told him we were suffering from any complications? These jokers should never be allowed on the bus. 
…simply marinate in perfumes.
 In an effort to look and smell good, some of us wear perfumes just before we get out of the house. However, a few people have earned my ire today.

I hate those guys who wear very strong perfumes and simply put too much. You meet these guys and you think you have walked into the perfume factory itself.

Sometimes a lady or gentleman would enter into a taxi and make you feel like jumping out through the window for fresh air.

I think I am going to start moving with insecticide to spray these fools who choose to inconvenience us by marinating in the perfumes instead of spraying just a little.

…offer endless farewells to their friends/relatives.
Some people still do not appreciate that time is money. One of these days I think I am going to spit on someone!

As you sit in a taxi waiting for other passengers, six people show up and you start thinking they are going to fill the taxi and get going.

Instead, you discover that the five people had actually just escorted one person and then they simply go on and on giving endless farewells, hugs, etc as if they have hired the taxi.

The people in the taxi have things to do and do you really have to give endless farewells as if your friend is going to the moon?

…delay to do what they are supposed to do.
I think I should give public taxis a break one of these days. The things to hate in these taxis are quite endless. I have an axe to grind with conductors who receive money from passengers and take ages to give back the change.

The guy takes your Rwf5000 and then keeps ignoring you until the taxi gets to Nyabugogo.

Then he runs away and leaves you standing there like a lost child. He returns minutes later to give you so many coins and leaves you there struggling to count the money.   

…practice petty theft wherever they go.
I wonder if the Rwandan Police is really aware of how many small thieves are operating in Kigali. I have a lot of hatred for these guys who go to restaurants and steal the toothpicks, glasses, pepper (akabanga). Some of them have no shame at all.

They go to the washrooms and steal the toilet paper! A number of smokers will steal the match box at the local shop.

Some of these part time thieves even pocket weird things like bottle openers! One of them recently put the menu in her bag and walked away. I wonder what she was going to use it for. These people need to be arrested for me to stop hating them.

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