Our leaders have an obligation to love their country

Editor, Some leaders use their positions to mistreat the people they lead. They use their positions to take the society’s resources for their own interests.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Some leaders use their positions to mistreat the people they lead. They use their positions to take the society’s resources for their own interests.

I don’t think it’s simply an issue of lack of capacity; but rather, it is because they lack something important in the leader’s qualities: love of the country and the people they lead.

They should know that the country’s destiny is not in the hands of bad politicians, however powerful they may be. They may be able to delude themselves and others for a while, but not for long.

All those who have imagined they held the fate of peoples in their hands, that they could do with them as they wished, have come to a bad end.

For, however powerful they may be, it is not human beings who rule over the destiny of humanity, but a Higher Power.

They should also know that there are laws which prohibit such behaviours; the current forced resignations and court suits are the proof of my point.

It is still on the move, for God’s plans are always for the good of our Rwanda. Congratulations to the leaders who still have the spirit of loving the nation.

Muligande Anastase