Kigali Institute of Education should pay back with Interest.

Editor, I am the daily reader of your informative paper; at times I get upset with the deeds of our institutions.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


I am the daily reader of your informative paper; at times I get upset with the deeds of our institutions.

After reading the letter addressed to the editor on 9th Sept, regarding KIE students and KIE/UNISA saga, I would like to argue that these students ought to sue their institution and get their money back with interest.

This saga has been written about several times in this paper and I thought it had been solved.

Education, like any other investment, should go with profits and it is high time that our institutions made efficient follow-up of their responsibilities.

Failing to do so should go with penalty-interest to these students in this case.


Faustin Kazitunga