Gay rights in Rwanda or Africa indeed

Editor, I was greatly intrigued upon reading the letter on the gay presence and rights in Rwanda and attempted to understand what exactly the writer hoped to achieve by it. 

Monday, September 07, 2009


I was greatly intrigued upon reading the letter on the gay presence and rights in Rwanda and attempted to understand what exactly the writer hoped to achieve by it. 

Beyond the fact that the young man expresses a very pedestrian opinion to explain his deviant sexuality, and from a purely personal point of view, not at all borne by any medical nor sociological fact, one cannot understand to what end he intended his letter.

His defense is that nature made him Gay, and also that societal impatience with this deviancy is against Nature and God. 

Now, without seeking to engage in definitions and excessive expressions, religious or sociological, I should like to pose this simple question – if animals whose behaviour is wholly instinctive and not logical, do not EVER ENGAGE in intra-gender sexuality, how is it possible to accept that the logical and rational human-being has justifications from Nature / God to be sexually deviant?

My advise to all young people is that sexual deviancy, like all other deviancies, is a regression of evolution, not an expression of evolution, an abnormality of growth at  best and not a progression of human development.

It has no basis in nature, or in Spirituality (God created me thus, so to speak).

Possibly, society might one day be tolerant to sexual deviancy, but this will certainly not result from an acceptance of it’s justification from Nature or God!

Tom Marrinka
Nairobi, Kenya