Love isn’t worth your life

Roland spent four solid years perfectly caring for his one and only girlfriend. He spent a fortune on her and always reminded her that his world rotated around her.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Roland spent four solid years perfectly caring for his one and only girlfriend. He spent a fortune on her and always reminded her that his world rotated around her.

He rejected his family and responsibilities all in the name of spending time with her. What did he get in return for being father Theresa, a heart break!

Jeannette spent a year picking herself up from a relationship that had meant everything to her but it had suddenly ended.
In the love game, the one who loves most is disappointed the most and hurts the most.

As one party concentrates on perfecting love by showing how much they adore their lovers, the other partner in most cases takes all the endeavors for granted!

It’s always clear that when one shows their sincere addiction to their lovers, the lovers will pay back by hurting them.

After all it’s crystal clear that they can never leave without them no matter what they put them through!
Being over compassionate and loving is as good as committing any love crime like infidelity!

Much as it sounds ironical, many relationships have broken up to leave everlasting scars when it’s a result of over loving/caring by one of the partners.

"I told him that he meant the world to me and he used it against me. He said I was too desperate for love,” says Annet Mwizerwa.

Unfortunately, many don’t even care if they are loved back; all they are upto is proving their true love to people who at times don’t even care.

The less needy partners perhaps go ahead to boast how they are cherished and loved!

Some take another step of refer to lovers as needy slaves who can never live a second without them.

When a breakup finally knocks at the door, it will still be the most loving partner to suffer most.

This only leaves us with questions like how much should a person love and show. How much should a person invest and rely on love?

Many have committed suicide as a result of heartbreaks while others have been too heartbroken to the extent of not being able to love again.

Expressing love is one thing and showing person that they mean the world to you is another.

Its good for your lover to know how much you care but what happens if they know that they are the total determinants of your life.

Let’s work out ways of not being addicted to them. Nagging them with phone calls show them how our lives are at a standstill a few hours without seeing them.

The moment a lover realizes how needy and naïve you are, you’ll stand the danger of losing them.
