CUSTOMER CARE: Why is your Customer’s Feedback so Important?

Since I started writing these Monday articles on Customer Care, I am continually amazed at the number of readers who contact me; either to give me their comments or simply make suggestions.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Since I started writing these Monday articles on Customer Care, I am continually amazed at the number of readers who contact me; either to give me their comments or simply make suggestions.

Many of the topics I write on are actually from the feedback I get from the readers. I have come to really appreciate them as these feedbacks are very valuable for my writing.

Regardless of the type of business you are in, getting input from your customers or people you deal with is critical to your success.

Whether you are in a big organization or in a small retail shop, or even in a liberal job, you definitely need the feedback from your customers.

No matter how successful you as an individual or as a business owner are, you will never cease to better your services by learning from your customers.

This is one of the first steps to successful improvement of customer service.

In last week article, we talked about the different tools that could be used by business owners to have their customers feed back frequently.

There are different tools available and the two tools we talked about were the Suggestion Box and Feedback Forms.

Today, I would like to share with you some of the other tools that you can use to evaluate the perception of your customers on your services and products.
Customer Satisfaction Forms

This is a form you use to ask your customers to rate your services on a scale for instance of 1 to 10. Once you have asked your customers their areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, you definitely need to take actions.

And on the areas of satisfaction, let your people know them so that they can maintain them and be proud of them.

On the other hand, on the areas that need to be improved upon, bring in all your staff on board to find solutions.

These satisfaction forms are supposed to help you improve your business. Let your customers see that they did not waste their time filling those forms.

Let them see the improvement of your products and services.

If you want to be very professional, send a response to every person who has given you his or her feedback, acknowledging their views.

Your customers are not forced to give you their feedback so learn to acknowledge their time and availability in telling you things that will make your business go forward.

And remember that your customers are the only reason why you are in business, so satisfying them will ultimately make your business more profitable.

Customer Survey

The customer survey is a tool that helps you evaluate the level of customer perception.

This customer survey can be done once in a while; and if necessary, associate your staff to this survey.

Making your staff be part of this survey will allow them hear for themselves what your customer say about them.

Remember that 68% of customers leave a business because of the poor attitudes of staff.

This means that 68% of the solution will come from them. So involve them in the process.

The last time we organized such a survey with the staff in direct contact with customers of our clients here in Kigali, the staff was shocked to hear certain things coming directly from their customers.

They confessed that they had always thought those complaints were coming from their bosses.

This exercise was really an eye opener for most of all the staff that took part in this survey.

The worst thing to do is to ask for feedback from your customers and not do anything about them. You can be sure that the customer won’t waste his or her time next time you need his feedback. Do take Action.

Share your findings with all your staff. Correct your processes.

Remember that a delayed feedback loses its value. "It’s the knowledge derived from information that gives you the competitive edge.” Says Bill Gates’

So please use your customers feedback to improve on your services.

To be continued next week

The author is a customer service consultant working in Rwanda