BCR-Kacyiru doing well on customer care

Editor, I’m a client of BCR but I happen to have other bank accounts in different banks which operate in Kigali.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I’m a client of BCR but I happen to have other bank accounts in different banks which operate in Kigali.

I believe that the kind of customer care at BCR- Kacyiru should be appreciated.

It’s good to appreciate and give credit where it’s due; more especially when many readers have complained about the poor service provided by a couple of banks in the country.

A number of banks in Rwanda are taking baby steps in improving customer care but what impressed me this past week is a high level of customer care that I received at BCR-Kacyiru branch.

The customer care is their priority; the branch manager, whose name I don’t know, speaks in a soft tone of her voice while providing the best of services to her customers.

The customer care department also provides customers with easy access to information, products and services, as well as the means to get their grievances redressed.

My humble request to BCR is to maintain that or improve the standard

What some entrepreneurs in Rwanda say about Customer Care is that "Good quality customer service is when a client leaves the bank with a smile on his or her face; this is what BCR Kacyiru offers.

Other banks ought to take a study tour to this bank and learn how things are done.

BCR client