More public toilets needed

Editor, Kigali City Council should build public toilets on every street in Kigali. Most buildings housing many shops especially in Cartier Mateus don’t have toilet facilities.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A rundown public toilet. There is an acute lack of these in the Kigali Central Business District

Kigali City Council should build public toilets on every street in Kigali. Most buildings housing many shops especially in Cartier Mateus don’t have toilet facilities.

What people do to ease themselves one lady confessed to me is to "susu”

or pee in basins and mix in Omo and water and then pour the mixture in the roadside trenches or on the tarmac! You can imagine now what they do for the more serious natures call!

If building the public toilets is costly in the short term, KCC should be tough on landlords and order them to have at least 2 toilets per 4 shops.

The district health inspectors should also check whether most buildings have the necessary facilities for human waste disposal.
Mbanza Mark
Quartier Mateus.