Package yourself in a sellable and winning package

Marketers say that there is nothing that speaks greater than the package, nothing expresses branding more than the package and this is true for everything including human packages.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Smart for a night club but might not sell you elsewhere

Marketers say that there is nothing that speaks greater than the package, nothing expresses branding more than the package and this is true for everything including human packages.

What if people were treated as products which is how most people are treated albeit without saying it out loud?

Most people do not treat themselves as sellable products and that is why they never sale themselves or their services to the people who matter especially in the work place.

It is important for a person to dress, speak, walk and even feel the part if they want to be treated in certain ways.

One needs to first of all dress in ways that reflect and portray the necessary image to the world. The image cut by a musician should not be the same cut by the parish priest of the local church.

The two people are both respectable but the general public expects different things from them and crossing the boundary in the name of freedom of choice, freedom of dress and the like might deliver the wrong message to the public hence undermining the person and defeating his /her purpose.

A person should dress in ways that project the exact image he intends to get out to the public and the dressing should be both inside and out.

On the inside a person should dress with confidence and self respect.

A person with a tattered self image will project the image of a weakling that cannot be trusted with anything worthy of talking about while a person oozing self confidence and self respect will attract confidence and respect coupled with trust from the people around.

Self esteem and confidence are like a scent that can either attract people or drive them away.

One has to dress with confidence, a high self esteem and self image dozed with self respect.

Apart from this one should dress with sweet honey edifying words. Words create and build but they also tear down and destroy so one has to measure and weigh whatever they say to others and even to themselves.

The tone in which this is said also has to be measured to achieve the desired outcome. A person with the tongue of a drunken sailor is not likely to enlist respect from people listening to him or her.

After completing the inside wardrobe one should consider dressing the outside as this is what people will see even before they get to see the inside.

Before people even ask about a person’s name they have already made their judgement of a person based on what they see on the outside.

They do a rough estimation of work ethic, size of bank account, type of job, character, cultural background and other aspects.

This determines one is received and how much attention one is given.

I recently experimented in this area by cutting my hair short or should I say that I had a playground on my head and got some of the most interesting reactions from people.

Some people thought I was a high school student, some thought I was an artist while others thought I was in the fashion industry.

The reactions differed based on what else I was packaged in. In Jeans and a T-shirt I was taken for a student, in a grey suit I was taken for a writer.

I proved my theory that human beings should package themselves in sellable packages targeting specific buyers. It’s impossible to appeal to the whole general public through the presentation of one image.

Apart from the dress one has to walk and act the part. The way one walks, greets people, stands says a lot about them.

When President Barrack Obama officially met former president Bush at the white house the press was not allowed to cover the verbal exchange but journalists and psychologist were able to judge the two leaders through the actions that took place between the two.

The hand shake, position of feet while standing, eye contact and other forms of non-verbal communication were analysed so at the end of the day the world had something near to the truth in terms of news on the event.

It’s important to co-ordinate all these articles of clothing so that one portrays a powerful and remarkable image wherever and whenever one steps out into the open. One should ensure that he or she is a sellable and powerful product to survive in this tough race of life.

It does not matter whether the prize if a golden job or the most beautiful damsel or the most handsome dude in the village. The package does the speaking and earns the marks.

Contact Dusabe at