ALLAN'S LIFE PRINCIPLES:Repentance opens doors

Repentance is a major principle for us because it is the trigger that will set off all the previous principles that we have discussed as well as laying foundation for the principles we are yet to share.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Allan Tazenya

Repentance is a major principle for us because it is the trigger that will set off all the previous principles that we have discussed as well as laying foundation for the principles we are yet to share.

Repentance means to be sorry; change of heart and behaviour; a moral U-turn from sin to God.

The book of Prophet Joel highlights the requirement of repentance, measures God can undertake to have you repent plus the gifts that follow after repentance.

Joel 1: the people were living in sin and against God’s rules. Locusts attacked the land and made major destruction which left the people in miserable conditions. Joel 1:12 "And the people’s joy was dried up with them”

My friends the devil has attacked us and snatched much of what belongs to us. We have lost jobs, businesses have collapsed, marriages have collapsed, many have turned against us, etc because of sin.

However big the destruction in your life may look, God can handle it all.

Joel 2;12: "Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts.”

As the destruction was going on, the lord called on his people to turn to him before the damage could get to its worst. He asked them to repent and turn away from their evil ways.

My friends, so many things have not gone as we have planned them because we are living in sin; we have failed in business, in getting jobs, promotions, marriage etc because we have not repented.

As if the damage we already have is not enough, the devil is still causing more damage, but the good news is that God is calling us to repent and turn to Him so that he saves us from the damage. Prophet Joel hints that repentance should be from the bottom of our hearts, feeling bad about our sins and turning to God.

What comes with repentance?

a) Joel 2:12; Restoration and peace. After repenting and turning to God, the lord will forgive us and immediately stop the damage.

He will then restore all that the devil has stolen from you. Repentance allows God to ensure that you regain all that you have lost to the devil while you were still living in sin.

Joel 2:25: "I will give you back all you have lost to the swarming locusts (devil)”

Joel 2:20 "I will drive away these armies from the north”.

Friends with repentance God will drive away all your enemies and you will have peace in your life. All your enemies will be suppressed by the power of repentance

Amos 8:11 I will restore the fallen house, I will repair its damaged walls and restore its former glory.

b) Joel 2:28: God’s spirit. "Then after I have poured out my rains again, I will pour out my spirit upon all people” The spirit will come with prophesy, visions, dreams, wonders and salvation.

These gifts of the spirit will guide us in all the steps we take in life and hence have a prosperous life.

c) Joel 3: Judgment against our enemies. Repentance opens judgment of your enemies hence keeping them far from you in your walk of life Joel 3:2 "I will judge them for harming my people.”

d) Blessing. Repentance will earn us blessings in all fields of life: work, business, home, books, marriage etc. Joel 3:17 "Foreign armies will never conquer you gain, mountains will drip with sweet wine and the hills will flow with milk.”

Other highlights on repentance

Revelations 2:5 "look how far you have fallen. Turn back to me and so the works you did first.

If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lamp stand from its places among churches”.

Friends if you choose not to repent the consequences are bitter. Have a blessed Sunday.
