Salsa night at Passadena

OK  folks, wherever you are, get yourselves prepared for the salsa night, today, August 13, at Passadena, in Gikondo, one of Kigali’s suburbs.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Salsa dancers enjoying it all!

OK  folks, wherever you are, get yourselves prepared for the salsa night, today, August 13, at Passadena, in Gikondo, one of Kigali’s suburbs.

The most recent progress report from the entertainment venue, and the night is expected to be one of the most memorable nights ever at Passadena.

Thursdays at Passadena are also a great idea for salsa learners. The night starts with free salsa lessons, where trained salsa dancers provide skills to whoever is ready to learn.

Passadena reopened last week, after days of suspension over allegedly inconveniencing its neigbours and having a small parking area.
