What do you do when doubt comes knocking

There are times, when no matter who we are when we are suddenly stopped in our tracks by doubt. We question our ability and lose self-belief. The little nagging voice in our head fills us with fear.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

There are times, when no matter who we are when we are suddenly stopped in our tracks by doubt. We question our ability and lose self-belief. The little nagging voice in our head fills us with fear.

Success seems out of reach and failure appears to be the reality.There are times when we think about giving up, that what we want is not going to happen and we were foolish to believe it would. We berate ourselves for ever believing we could succeed…for daring to dream.

We reach such a low point that our self-esteem nose-dives and our faith in ourselves hits the floor.

We are hurting, unhappy, frustrated with ourselves for feeling this way, which just makes us feel worse! We are unable to see a way to move forward and instead seem to be going backwards.

When we are experiencing this, it is very difficult to break out of the feelings we are having. We are caught in a downward spiral.

What compounds it and makes it worse, is that we know what we need to do.

We know we need to raise our morale so that we feel good; we know we need to give thanks and be grateful for what we have in our life but despite this, we are just not able to lift ourselves out of this pit of despair. Which of course makes us feel worse!

Well take comfort! It happens! We are human with human thoughts and emotions.

It does not mean you are unworthy or doomed to failure. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Everything you want to be and to have is there, waiting for you to claim it!

Neale Donald Walsch explains: "If you want a direct experience of who and what you are, you will attract to yourself like a magnet, everything you are not.” He goes on to say, "Bring on that which I am not! For I will welcome that which I am not!”

In other words, know they are just feelings, they are not real; you are just experiencing who you are not, so you can get a clear idea about who you are.

When you understand that your feelings are not you, you can relax and allow them to come. Explore them. Welcome them, they will allow you to understand who and what you are! Bring it on!

"What you resist persists,” says Neale Donald Walsch "don’t resist, what you look at disappears.”So it’s ok. It’s fine.  When you acknowledge how you feel the voices in your head will quieten.

When you let go of the resistance to those feelings, they will start to ease and fade.

All things do pass, this too will pass. We all doubt from time to time, the secret to remember that it is only from time to time.
