Appreciating the unique difference in gender

Christians believe that, when God created the first man (Adam), He saw it wise to give him a helper and as a result the first woman (Eve) was created. She was not created to serve man but rather to be his helper to take care of creation.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Christians believe that, when God created the first man (Adam), He saw it wise to give him a helper and as a result the first woman (Eve) was created. She was not created to serve man but rather to be his helper to take care of creation.

This means that men needed an extra assistance to help in running earthly affairs and not a servant.

Many people have not understood what "gender” means.To some people it means taking care of women’s interests. As a result, issues concerning men receive little attention as compared to women’s needs.

Gender groups are influenced by society’s expectations on how men and women should behave. Traditionally, a woman was expected to be delicate, shy, motherly, quiet, a good listener and a home keeper.

Men were expected to be strong, powerful, dominant, courageous, forceful and decisive. Gender roles were also specified. Women were supposed to take care of their husbands and children, fetch water, collect firewood and generally be home makers.

Men as the head of their families always occupied the first place.

However, the demands of modern life, social factors and world trends have changed African gender rules. Both men and women have become bread winners. Girls are now being encouraged to compete with boys.

Indeed,it has been proved that what a man can do a woman can do or even do it better, provided she is given equal opportunities.

Today, this is not the case. Women are no longer considered the weaker sex.

Examples of how this is happening abound. Some years back, it was almost impossible to find women who were mechanics, drivers of commuter vehicles, conductors, engineers, bishops, cabinet ministers and presidents.

Today one does not have to look far and wide to find them.
In Rwanda a lot has been done in the circles of gender and is the only country in the world with over half of its legislature made up of women- women who were voted democratically.

Careers in nursing and hairdressing are no longer preserved for women, as it was in the past, but things have changed. In other words, this is the flexibility of playing different roles by both gender groups.

Unfortunately, a generation has sprung up that seems socially confused; where women think being womanly is weak.

They believe success is becoming like a man. They drink like fish to emulate some men`s unbecoming behavior .

Many youth have developed a distorted attitudes towards their gender stereotypes. They are uncomfortable being female and they need to be told that being a woman is noble.

Fortunately all is not lost. There are many noble fascinating women who juggle career, family and relationships well.

They provide for their offspring and spouses despite the difficulties they face. They stand strong and have the power of intuition.

Many men have also been able to adapt to the changes of modern living.

They consult their wives as equals and are willing to help in household chores as they maintained their family headship.

This calls for no more confusion about gender roles. Equal opportunity opens doors for both men and women since no gender group is superior; each is uniquely different.

Therefore, the solution to gender debate is in our accepting, embracing and celebrating gender differences. Through complementing one another instead of fighting, is what leads to mutual respect between genders.
