IS ALL Well in Rwanda?

Editor, Allow me space in your news paper to comment on some of the responses from the report of the Ombudsman recently submitted to the law makers.  In The New Times of the 14th July 2009, the headline read that “Revoke report, officials demand Ombudsman” and senior Judicial Officers are on record criticising the Ombudsman’s report for naming the Judiciary as one of the most corrupt institution in Rwanda.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Ombudsmanu2019s report reportedly riled members of the Judiciary because it detailed Rwandans perception that it is a orrupt institute


Allow me space in your news paper to comment on some of the responses from the report of the Ombudsman recently submitted to the law makers.  In The New Times of the 14th July 2009, the headline read that "Revoke report, officials demand Ombudsman” and senior Judicial Officers are on record criticising the Ombudsman’s report for naming the Judiciary as one of the most corrupt institution in Rwanda.

Is it a case of a bitter pill being hard to swallow or is it something that is way beyond what our eyes can see?  Let me remind those that are up in arms about the Ombudsman’s report that in The New Times of July 1, 2009, the headline was about a prosecutor who was arrested on allegation of extorting money from suspects. 

Mr. Ombudsman, can you continue with your excellent work and let those that want to distract you deal with the report in a positive way?

I would like to request you also to let us know publicly the amount of wealth our leaders’ posses. 

Honestly, even if the report is based on people’s perceptions, these perceptions are not formed out of the blue; they are formed out of observation. 

Indeed it is the public that gives bribes and it is the same public that is saying where the bribes go.

Mwiza Mutanganika