STORY CORNER:Madibo recovers the lost drum

Madibo was born and raised in a small village called Bundi. In this land people were very rich in culture because they had the love for music and dancing for generations.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Madibo was born and raised in a small village called Bundi. In this land people were very rich in culture because they had the love for music and dancing for generations.

In Bundi village everyone had so much respect for musical instruments especially the drum. These instruments are what made other neighbouring villages envy them because of this unique and special musical culture.

Every family owned drums and they would teach children how to use them perfectly. This was a way of keeping the legacy in the village for generations.

For so many years, Bundi village had won all the music competitions. This earned them respect from other surrounding communities to the extent that they started taking them for granted. They thought the competitions were a waste of time.

The most celebrated dancers and pioneers of music in the village had curved the biggest drum out of the tree. They kept the drum in the village museum so that the following generations would admire and get inspired to be better musicians.

One day, there was a war with the neighboring villages. Unfortunately the people of Bundi lost since they were not a violent community.

During the war, the most adored drum in the museum was taken away by the invaders. This left the whole village disappointed for their musical symbol was no more.

When madibo was growing up, he was being told of the great stories of the past and how the most precious village drum was stolen by the neighbors.

Madibo promised his mom that when he grew up, he would recover the drum and restore the respect that Bundi once enjoyed. However, he did not tell his mom that he would recover the drum even if he had to use force.

When Madibo was 25 years old, he organized his age mates in the village and went through military training in order to build a strong force of attack. This was not supported by the elders since the village was not a violent one instead they preferred peacefull negotiations.   
Being youthful, they refused to listen and went ahead to attack and they were victorious.

They returned home with the village’s treasured drum put it back in the museum. Their music reigned once again and ruled the country for the years that followed.

Bundi remained a great village thereafter and Madibo become a great dancer in his village.
