Watch your friends

School holidays are here and we are all psyched up for them. I know how it feels to finally get a break from school and teachers.

Monday, July 13, 2009

School holidays are here and we are all psyched up for them. I know how it feels to finally get a break from school and teachers.

I remember my school holidays and the fun I had with my friends. For two weeks we did not have to worry about homework! We were free.

Holidays would not be the same without our friends. The best times of our lives are the ones shared with our loved ones. I know that when I am enjoying the happiest moments in life, I always want my closest friends to be with me.

They are friends that I count on to be open and honest with me, about everything. However the temptation comes in when you have friends who do not share you vision.

Friends have the power to influence us either positively or negatively. It is sometimes not intentional but after a while you realise that you become so much like the people you spend time with.

Are you familiar with the saying that, "Birds of a feather flock together.” The saying explains that your friends will define who you are.

If your friends are doing bad things then soon you will find yourself doing the same bad things, if they are doing good, then you will do the same.

This holiday I challenge you to join a click of a difference. Hang around the people who appreciate the things that you love. Do not let your friends push you into the things that you don’t want. Friendship is a choice so make the right one.

Hang out with people who make you want to be better and not worse. God did not place us on this earth to be alone, and he rejoices when we find encouragement in each other.

I challenge you today to consider the people you surround yourself with. Are they going to help you grow positively? If yes then good but if they are not then its time to walk away.

Cultivate positive relationships.Grow with friends and help them grow.
