STORY CORNER:Tim’s reading lesson

Once upon a time there was a little boy called Tim. He was one of the brightest little boys in his class. The teacher would always give him different awards for his many achievements. Tim’s parents cautioned him to be more determined in order to add to his scores.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Once upon a time there was a little boy called Tim. He was one of the brightest little boys in his class. The teacher would always give him different awards for his many achievements. Tim’s parents cautioned him to be more determined in order to add to his scores.

He became arrogant and he deserted his books.
"Why read?” he thought, "I will always pass.”

Tim started spending all his homework time playing with his friends and watching movies.

Tim’s mum was the first to notice his change in behaviour and so he called him aside and advised him not to turn away from his books.

"Tim, these books should be your friends since they will help you build a future,” she said.

"Oh yes mum,” Tim lied.

At the end of that school term, Tim was down two positions. He stared at his report card in dismay.

"How is this possible?” Tim cried.

He promised to read more and more in order to perform well in his end of term exams. It was a difficult time after performing so poorly, but Tim had learned his lesson.

Tim made a wise choice to start working hard and reading more. He believed that if he read more he would have a brighter future.
