As part of events to commemorate the 15th liberation anniversary of the country, President Paul Kagame conferred upon foreign leaders medals for their support to Rwanda during the liberation struggle. These are personalities who stood by Rwandans during their hour of need and in the aftermath of Rwanda’s liberation.  As stated, at different times, they made sacrifices which were not always popular to some interests at the time. But they believed in the cause they were supporting.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

As part of events to commemorate the 15th liberation anniversary of the country, President Paul Kagame conferred upon foreign leaders medals for their support to Rwanda during the liberation struggle.

These are personalities who stood by Rwandans during their hour of need and in the aftermath of Rwanda’s liberation. 

As stated, at different times, they made sacrifices which were not always popular to some interests at the time. But they believed in the cause they were supporting.

And the passage of time has truly vindicated their efforts, and those of others, already celebrated or yet to be celebrated given the opportunity.

Those who were condemned by different interests during the liberation struggle for their support have been absolved by history. Indeed the shining example that is Rwanda now in different aspects of life shows that, that support and sacrifices were not in vain.

And in recognizing this support by way of awarding medals, Rwandans have truly demonstrated what they are. That Rwandans are a grateful people has never been in doubt and they have demonstrated this by deeds over the last couple of years.

And yesterday, it was clearly reaffirmed by the symbolism of the medals.

Now we are in a higher level of liberation-liberating all wandan’s and the rest of Africa from poverty, ignorance and disease, all results of backward economies.

Interdependence becomes crucial in this aspiration.  It is already being done and the example of the mutual assistance rendered during the struggles for freedom, shows that it is possible and can not fail.
