GET INSPIRED: Getting inspired with poetry and getting better at it

Reading and writing poetry is a beauty in itself and this splendor if given chance can blossom into an exciting and greatly inspiring experience for some one.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Reading and writing poetry is a beauty in itself and this splendor if given chance can blossom into an exciting and greatly inspiring experience for some one.

For writing to bring out the magic, the writer has to be fully motivated and informed about a specific subject, that’s how it can light up both the writer penning the piece down and the reader who is the consumer of the final product.

Writing poetry has to be a spontaneous activity from a person as opposed to being out of an external reinforcement.

Successful poetry comes from a spirit filled and free mind which is empowered to wonder and explore the pros and cons of a subject, that’s why it requires a sane and resourceful person.

One of the most exciting and gripping subjects to be explored by poetry is nature due to its chilling diversity and heartwarming mysteries which is truly an enigma to mankind from the beginning of time.

Exploring nature can truly be enchanting for instance when a person looks at the extensive flora which God created, its diversity and beauty in its true sense is refreshingly amazing to energize the weariest person.

The biggest hindrance to development of poetry as an inspirational tool in our literally age is limited appreciation of what is around us, starting from people, the flora and fauna and our daily experiences because we tend to take them for granted.

The first man to venture into poetry was Adam, who also happens to be the first person created by God, which means poetry started with the inception of humanity, it’s a matter of making sense out of it and be happy.

In Gen 2; 23 Adam broke into poetry after God had created for him a companion Eve out of his ribs, this was out of sheer excitement and delight.

It is also said that all that everything God created is poetic and this is derived from the sublime beauty and wonder with which our lord created heaven and earth and Man. 

Poetry can be depicted musically, dramatically through oratory power or writing, but the central element has to be beauty and conviction with which it is portrayed to bring meaning and total satisfaction of the listener and the author.

Musically elements like melody and rhythm are supposed to be respected if the poetic piece is to be successful; this goes to poems as well.

Tangibility or image and motion are also other aspects to be taken care of for the case of dramatic portrayal of poetry.

The figures of speech for instance Metaphors and Meaning are to be respected and properly packaged to facilitate knowing.

The language should also be critically considered to facilitate compression and explosion into real gist of the piece.

The theme is also another aspect not to leave out when packaging a poetry piece, this brings about consistency, Synthesis and Synergy in whatever you are writing about in the piece.

In each unit, you work through a variety of exercises, readings and challenges which lead you to writing a polished poem with your new skills.

You will analyze poems, reflect and experiment, practice stretching exercises and learn strategies for revising your poems, to master poetry a person should make use material which includes writer checklists, illustrative and humorous examples, a glossary of terminology, useful Web links and interactive self-tests.

Writing, reading and falling in love with poetry are all processes. None of these happen using the linear or intuitive side of the brain alone, and none of these happen suddenly rather than gradually.

Getting good in writing poetry combines discussion, examples and links to a variety of sites and poets, you will immerse yourself as a poet in varied kinds of experience.

You are also encouraged to take note of specific tips for reading, writing casually and writing seriously, all the while reflecting, questioning and taking various kinds of writing risks to perfect the art.

The bottom line is first of all being in love with the subject, this gives you the determination and inner calmness to bring the best out of poetry.
