GET INSPIRED: Smartness at your work place

Mama mia, who on earth would not be flattered by the common English compliment, “u look smart”? The young, youth, grown-ups and old people, everyone and anyone would love to hear those words. Looking smart means a lot more than the term itself.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Probably smart for his job (net photo)

Mama mia, who on earth would not be flattered by the common English compliment, "u look smart”? The young, youth, grown-ups and old people, everyone and anyone would love to hear those words. Looking smart means a lot more than the term itself.

It does not merely mean putting on expensive clothes, tights, office wear, jeans. Smartness means a lot but in this context we mean smartness in terms of dressing code.

Have you ever thought of the rewards received for just a mere concern you take to make your life smart? The first reward is respect. How dear it is to be respected! Everyone in society would do what it takes to earn respect. Dressing smartly could earn it for you.

How about honor as a second ward. Everyone on this planet is longing to be honoured and that is why we always aim higher to achieve all that is expected of us. People try their best to aim high in life. Dressing smartly might make society regard you as inyangamugayo (a person of integrity).

It is said that people who are smart physically tend to be smart up wards. I mean very intellectual with a high sense of reasoning. Smartness creates confidence. Your outlook matters a lot in all walks of life be it at work home, or during leisure time 

It is better to wear decently. Although a lot of debate on what decent dressing is has taken place, many still do not clearly understand the code of dressing be it at their work place or different occasions.

Flavia Musimire, a teacher by profession, said that in many instances people dress up depending on their moods or what they want.

"A lady with nice legs may prefer wearing mini skirts without considering the image she is creating to young girls, boys or the community at large,” she said.

Think of dressing code for offices. Some people persist in thinking that their appearance has very little to do with their ability to perform in a job, and so give little consideration to how they dress.

You find people putting on Jeans (or anything else) with holes in them which may make a positive impression on the dance floor, but are unlikely to inspire an employer. The community you work in might even doubt you.

There is a sensible school of thought that advocates dressing according to the nature of the job.

So, if you’re applying for an accountant’s position or you are an office lady and gentle man, you wear a business suit or let’s say office suit. On the other hand, if you’re applying for a labourer’s job on a building site, a business suit is inappropriate. 

Failing to meet those expectations is dangerous. The rule of the thumb for dress and appearance is to err on the side of caution.

The last thing an employer wants to do is to hire the wrong person. Your dressing appropriately represents a good start.

Reliability, loyalty, consistency, trustworthiness and dependability are qualities that all employers seek in employees, no matter what type of job it is. And it’s always good to dress right for it.
