HRW when will this end?

Only yesteryear, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and other international organizations, were championing the cause of Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) officials whose rights they claimed were under siege from what they claimed was a ‘highhanded’ Rwandan leadership. In well documented cases the good groups felt the RPA’s disciplinary measures against errant RPA officers – were just a little overboard. In a bizarre twist today we are told the same RPF leadership treats its errant officers with kid gloves. Now which is which? In this surprise turn of events for those who have had the fulfilling pleasure of following Rwanda’s struggle for liberation since before the Genocide against the Tutsi, the same groups now warn against ‘victor’s justice.’ One does not need to go far in seeing through HRW’s duplicitous political agenda than their own internal contradictions and double standards.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Only yesteryear, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and other international organizations, were championing the cause of Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) officials whose rights they claimed were under siege from what they claimed was a ‘highhanded’ Rwandan leadership.

In well documented cases the good groups felt the RPA’s disciplinary measures against errant RPA officers – were just a little overboard. In a bizarre twist today we are told the same RPF leadership treats its errant officers with kid gloves.

Now which is which? In this surprise turn of events for those who have had the fulfilling pleasure of following Rwanda’s struggle for liberation since before the Genocide against the Tutsi, the same groups now warn against ‘victor’s justice.’

One does not need to go far in seeing through HRW’s duplicitous political agenda than their own internal contradictions and double standards.

The subject of torment Rwanda remains the same, however excruciatingly she tries to absolve herself of the many ‘misdemeanors’ she remains guilty.

HRW is the prosecutor, the judge, the witness in all cases, in this court, Rwanda the silent victim has to just shut up and put up with the abuse. She has already been sentenced with no need for trial or room to hear her side of the story.

That is why the latest threat: "Tribunal risks supporting victors justice” should be dismissed with all the deserving contempt.
The cocktail of accusations is simply mind boggling;  from countries that are friendly to Rwanda being under ‘emotional blackmail’, to the Gacaca process not delivering justice, the list is endless.

One needs to know and understand the person of President Paul Kagame better before making such malicious, frivolous accusations that will not stand a day in a court of law.

If Kagame has to discipline anyone first, it is his own people, his closest allies and friends. He does not have permanent friends but as he openly declared at the recent RPF political bureau – he serves, ‘his country and his conscience’. Delivering a stern warning to his closest comrades against corruption and abuse of office.

HRW accusations against Kagame and his leadership are inconsistent with the man himself and what he is made of. So then, where from comes the concept of ‘victor’s justice’? Or is it not just another ‘whitewash’ of the revisionist/negationist agenda?
