After exams, a time to relax

The time before the exam is so extremely stressful... we all know the feeling... But after exam it is time to relax and give time to yourself. Hang out with friends and do all kinds of things. This is the time when all those worries of a couple of hours of thorough reading before going to bed have to be left behind so you can relax.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The time before the exam is so extremely stressful... we all know the feeling... But after exam it is time to relax and give time to yourself. Hang out with friends and do all kinds of things. This is the time when all those worries of a couple of hours of thorough reading before going to bed have to be left behind so you can relax.

It is advisable that at least a student tries to back to normal by shunning all thoughts concerning exams until the release of the exams as it allows you to rest.

Some students have a tendency of trying to discuss about the particular exam, but it just is not advisable since discussing it can never change anything once you get out of the examination room.

This practice creates more anxiety in the student’s mind since every body will tell you different things concerning the questions that you attempted and remember everyone has their own way of approaching questions.

All you need to do is to wait for the final judge (lecturer) to make the decision of whether you did pass the paper or you have to come for the second session.

Some students like Paul Ndayambaje say they can’t have good sleep before knowing the grades they scored in their previous exam.

"I can’t sleep before the exam results are out’, he says.

Ndayambaje is not alone in this dilemma because this happens to many people, but it is unhealthy.

Lydia Uwase says that thinking a lot about the past exam brings more stress to the student.

"Students should avoid that habit as it brings more stress to their minds in a time when they are supposed to relax and wait to resume studies.”

However, every body has one or two reasons why they behave the way they do after the exams time. But generally there’s every reason for resting after this period.

There are a number of things that you can do to make you forget all about the previous exams. You can take a walk every evening to help you relax.

Other things you can do include going to the gym, Reading a good book, watching a nice movie and Visiting friends for an evening chat.

You can also decide to go on the other side of life to remember those relatives and family friends whom you haven’t seen in a long time. Reminiscing on the great moments you had in the past can be fun and refreshing. Nice holidays.
