Evergreen cries!!!

Am cut down daily, burnt down now and then those who need me can’t save me. Who will bear my evergreen tears?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Am cut down daily, burnt down now and then those who need me can’t save me. Who will bear my evergreen tears?

Am drying up all over, no water for me, the climate change hourly and constantly worsens! The people need me though won’t cultivate me and sustain me adequately, no nourishment. So how will I flourish?

I have no more to show like I used to at all, this is because my habitant is drying up.

Government and the public continuously poison and threaten my existence; industries pollute the environment with waste. They are all determined to eliminate me.

Who will I run to?

I used to have green leaves, strong branches but am now withering. My parts drop off and I will be naked soon. They have cut me down as they say "it happens and one day we shall all be gone” the peace, the serenity and the resourcefulness we once gave will be a myth.

Who can save me? Grow some more of us please. Restore us, re-write our genesis, and make us jubilant. How will the people survive when we are gone? We provide the meals, medicine and beauty.

The mountains will soon be nothing but hard features and rocks. Forests will soon be gone; the swamps will be no more.
Evergreen cries out for help, lend a hand, contribute or suffer the vengeance.

Please hear it….. Evergreen cries out to you…….
