Simple ways to start enjoying your job
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Have a purpose for your career. Net photo.

It is no secret that work can at times be boring, but it doesn’t have to.

It is possible to have a truly meaningful and fulfilling career. One which will challenge you, excite you and make you feel like you have a mission, rather than just a job position.

The old fashioned advice of ‘quit and chase your passion’ isn’t always a good idea. It is not enough to be brave, quit your job, and go chase your dream profession. In fact the bigger percentage is of those who do not make it successfully.

It is not a good idea because ‘just’ following your passion creates the same old problems as others. It’s either your boss is demanding, the tasks are menial, you’re not paid what you’re worth and you can never seem to get enough time to relax or sleep. You will eventually hate it too because it is just a job you are looking for. Plus your interest does not necessarily translate into a source of income.

In some other cases, you cannot even ‘just’ quit to escape. Work is necessary, simply because you need to earn a living. You need money to live, and, assuming you weren’t born with a trust fund, which is highly the case, it means you need to work to earn money or simply survive. 

To get money without stealing, other people have to give it to you (salary). Which means you get it in exchange for something they value as well (working for them).

The value equation is the reason you will doubt investing scams the moment you see one. They trick you into thinking you can get money for free, without adding value in exchange, which is not how the law of nature works. 

Below are some tips, some proven and recommended by experts, on how to start enjoying your job.

Have a purpose

The motivation doesn’t always have to be passion, it may also be the pay check and no, you are not materialistic. Research shows that most people find work hard to enjoy because they’ve lost sight of the reason they do what they do. 

Consider why you are doing the specific tasks you, or even why you work at all. For example, it may be because you’re trying to advance your career or provide for your family.

Make peace with your situation

It is understandable that sometimes you will feel frustrated with your co-workers and managers because they do not meet your expectations. The key is to remember that no one is perfect, not even you. Working with people most of the time requires one to be tolerant and patient because like yourself, people make mistakes and have bad days. There will be a boss who frustrates you, colleagues who miss deadlines, and projects that don’t go to plan. The sooner you make peace with the fact that nothing is perfect, the sooner you can deal with your frustrations and focus on your work.

Of course, you should still report misconduct at work, and be strict where necessary, but the point is, when you stop looking for the perfect workplace, you can more easily find joy in the one you have.

Tend to yourself

If you are feeling demotivated because you are stressed, overworked and exhausted, it is possible that you are experiencing the initial stages of burnout. If it persists, you become gradually more despondent and depressed to the point you find it difficult to go to work, let alone being happy about it. It is important to seek professional help if need be but also take a break to breathe and feel relaxed again. Keep in mind your purpose, it always helps.