FEATURED - Plastic-free: Bravo to Rwanda’s sustainability move during CHOGM!
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Delegates were served water in glass bottles during the just concluded Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali.

What a great initiative from the Government to only serve water in glass bottles during the just concluded Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), at the different hotels and restaurants that were hosting delegates!

It shows Rwanda’s commitment to sustainability and the big step done in keeping the country green. The country has initiated different sustainability programs like rehabilitating wetlands, planting trees and more, but what was the most remarkable one during CHOGM, is the usage of water in glass bottles.

Delegates attending different meetings and social events could keep consuming water without worrying about polluting the environment.

This was a great achievement for the country, and it showed that it is possible to move from plastic to glass bottles.

As a way forward to the journey of fighting pollution and having a more environment-friendly and sustainable country and world, Rwandans should take example of this and change their consumption behaviours and spirit by shifting to eco-friendly products.

And the support from the private sector is very needed to make this journey a success, as it would not have been easy and possible to have a plastic-free CHOGM without the present manufacturers on the market providing water in glass bottles like SKOL Brewery Ltd with its Virunga Water!

Stop planning and strategizing, Act! As it was asked of the CHOGM delegates.