Let’s leave the squad out of romantic relationships
Thursday, June 02, 2022

If you have girlfriends (I’m not sure about the guys) you know how good it feels to have your own group of supporters. Even when you’re in the wrong.

 You know those long talks and cries with your girls, cursing the boyfriend who broke your heart? He immediately gets a bunch of enemies. 

It starts with telling your girls everything about him from the moment you meet and crush on him.

They might have doubts about him but as your friends, they respect your decision and even manage a smile and hug when he starts hanging out with you. At the end of the day, they are loyal and ‘team-you’ no matter what. 

Let us say they like him right away, as your girls, they help you stalk him and keep you up-to-date on his posts and whereabouts. 

Many people like talking to their friends or family about relationships they are in. Photos/Net

Your girls will even help you choose the names of your unborn children, obsess over his smile and voice with you, and sometimes turn into his personal consultants on how to surprise you or what to give you as a gift.

You’ll then start having troubles with your guy because, we’ve been told, it always ends in tears (or not). Of course, you’ll keep them informed, and your faithful ladies will provide the emotional support you need. 

They’ll listen to you rant about how complicated and awful this boy is. You will make sure to point out how he fooled you all from the start and swear you’ll never go back to him.

Whether they liked him at first or not, now all that counts is that he broke your heart and so "we all hate him”, they will say. You will cry and they’ll reassure you that everything will be fine, that he’s not the only guy in the world, and that he didn’t deserve you in the first place. 

They will block him or ghost him, because the poor guy does not only lose them as friends but also risks dying if they ever cross him. Then, you will eventually move on. 

Or in another scenario, you will somehow go back to him. By the way, who knows lovers’ affairs more than lovers themselves? 

Many people like talking to their friends or family about relationships they are in. Photos/Net

He will ask for forgiveness and (most of the time) you won’t even consult your girls before you accept. Then, once all is done and well, you will go back and break the news to them. 

You will give him the second, third, fourth (and so on) chance and no matter how much they claim otherwise, this will make no sense to them.

Now, things are so awkward between them and your guy, yet you will expect them to be cool with him again, smile and hug him as usual. Or be delighted when you invite him over to your hangouts. However, sis, your girls were not present when you settled your issues. 

And who knows, maybe you were the one at fault in the first place but you won’t tell them because they have to be on your side and not the other way around.

But then, how are they going to just switch from all those emotions from second to second. This may be easy for you because it’s your boo and you know why you got together, split and why you are going back. As much as they may try to be in your shoes, it simply may not be possible most of the time. 

So, should we just keep quiet or leave? If there’s a chance you’ll go back to him, you should probably avoid putting your girls in such an uncomfortable situation. 

In the first place, you shouldn’t be revealing everything that happens between you and your man. Unless it’s highly detrimental (extremely) to remain silent in the case of a toxic relationship or you really (desperately) need to share with someone. 

But, if you decide to return, let us know so we can at least know how we’re feeling today, whether we’re still hating or back in love.