Tongue piercing and oral health: What are the risks?
Monday, May 16, 2022

It may seem trendy and cool to pierce different parts of the body, but experts emphasise that it is advisable to seek medical advice before piercing your tongue.

Dr Lambert Nduwayezu, a dentist at Polyfam Clinic Kigali, says that piercing the tongue can result in severe pain and swelling for several days after the piercing episode. A swollen tongue can make it hard for you to breathe. 

He says that the new holes in the tongue are especially infection-prone, because the oral cavity is home to many bacteria colonies, in some people with heart disease, bacteria can lead to a condition that can damage your heart valves.

"Saliva production may increase as the body responds to a completely unnatural entity in the mouth, and increased occurrence of enamel fissures, enamel cracks and gum recessions especially on the lingual aspect,” he says.

Dr Nduwayezu also notes that tongue piercings may complicate speaking, chewing, or swallowing and can damage the tongue, gums, or fillings.

Tongue piercing makes you salivate, and is hard for your dentist to take an X-ray of your teeth, which can lead to serious health problems, like gum disease, uncontrolled bleeding, and long-term infections, he adds.

He adds that piercing the tongue can lead to an allergic reaction to the metal in the jewellery, and damage the nerves in your tongue, a condition that is usually brief, but can sometimes be long-lasting.

Dr Nduwayezu says that long-term problems with tongue piercings are very common. The screw-on balls constantly scrape against tooth enamel, making teeth susceptible to decay and gums prone to periodontal disease. Soft tissue can also become infected in specific areas, as the tongue bar continues to rub against it.

According to Dr Michel Mbonimana, a dental surgeon at Kigali Adventist Dental Clinic, punching holes in the tongue and having metal clanking around in the mouth is not good for oral health.

If done, this should be done by a well-trained professional with sterilised materials, in a sterilised environment because this can introduce unwanted microorganisms into the bloodstream, leading to infections.

"Lots of people, especially young people, get their tongues pierced every year. I respect them, but advise them to put their oral health first before aesthetic or cultural reasons. Oral health is all about the proper function of oral structures, and intra-oral comfort,” he says.

Dr Mbonimana further notes that one shouldn’t pierce the tongue because it can chip the teeth. Tongue piercings are the reason a lot of teens and young adults need crowns even when they haven’t experienced significant tooth decay.

Dr Mbonimana says that tongue piercings put one at risk for bacterial infections with serious consequences. "By no means would we say infections are a common experience in body modification, but it’s a significant risk nonetheless. Academic research has been published linking tongue piercings to infections with life-threatening consequences.”

Tongue piercing can be done in many unsafe ways. Many businesses that do tongue piercings are licensed and inspected to ensure safe conditions. Many young people, on the other hand, don’t go to these places without parental approval, he adds.

Tongue piercings can cause speech difficulties. Sometimes the unfavourable results of a bad tongue piercing include excess saliva and a change in speech patterns.

Dr Mbonimana highlights that tongue piercings can make the gums recede prematurely. A common trend among many young people with a tongue piercing is receding gums on the inside of their teeth. This can lead to many unnecessary oral health complications early in life.

"A wrong move can lead to permanent nerve damage if you opt for the do-it-yourself tongue piercing. Tongue piercings can give you stinky breath. Plaque builds up on teeth and can lead to pungent breath. Putting a piece of jewellery in your mouth gives plaque another place to build-up, and tongue piercings can be hard to clean. Do yourself a favour and avoid this unnecessary irritation,” Dr Mbonimana says.

Dr Roger Anamali, a dental surgeon in Kigali, says that oral piercing is becoming more popular but this process is far from being safe. The mouth is a wet place, containing masses of bacteria. This is an ideal environment for the development of infections. Several major blood vessels and nerves can be affected by tongue piercing.

He says that during the drilling process, blood vessels and nerves can be torn and damaged.

Paraesthesia (a type of sensory disorder involving subjective tingling and burning) has been reported due to oral piercing. This causes a decrease in a sensation similar to partial anaesthesia.

Dr Anamali also adds that tongue piercing can result in tissue hypertrophy, and excessive tissue growth can occur around the rod inserted in the tongue.

"Friction jewellery fasteners against the teeth can cause tooth wear, fractures due to repetitive shocks, and sensitivity, among others. Plastic pins are less potentially damaging than metal. Oral piercing increases about 20 per cent risk of tooth fractures and gum disease,” Dr Anamali says.