Perfect Weekend…. Martin Ruvugabigwi

Ruvugabigwi is the Chairman of the National University forum. He also is Guild President Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). Below he shares what he’d call a Perfect Weekend: According to the different responsibilities I hold with in the University and out, I make sure the weekend is peacefully dedicated to my personal life.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Ruvugabigwi is the Chairman of the National University forum. He also is Guild President Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). Below he shares what he’d call a Perfect Weekend:

According to the different responsibilities I hold with in the University and out, I make sure the weekend is peacefully dedicated to my personal life. During the Week, I attend many meetings alongside concentrating on my studies.

Usually, my weekend starts as early as Friday at 5p.m. I get home and relax with friends, watching movies.
Saturday morning, I hit the streets to jog. I normally do it for two hours then rest for an hour.

At about 10a.m, I head to the gym.

On Saturdays, I also take time to write, guide and make weekly reviews of what is going on in an ICT Youth Group ( NIBYIZA GROUP) of which I am Executive Director.

Also, for an hour or two, I take part in an online course on leadership called Global Youth. I am the Kigali City delegate. I usually have Saturday lunch in a restaurant.
On Sunday, church is my morning destination.

I however first go jogging and to the gym a bit earlier. Then organise for the upcoming week. That’s what makes my weekend a perfect one.
