Why positive affirmations come with benefits for your work life
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Positive affirmations are powerful and impactful statements that help those who believe in them. These statements have to strongly have a meaning, and the ones using them have to have faith in them that they will work.

Positive affirmations, also known as mantras, are statements used to provide encouragement and motivation for yourself and others to become better at a certain activity or skill. These mantras are used for reassurance that a person is capable of doing something, and will do it better.

According to a blog page called Autonomous, in their article about positive affirmations at work, they say that although they appear to be simple words, positive affirmations can greatly impact someone’s performance at work, especially if they’re in a hybrid workplace. They could boost their productivity and mood, enhance their skills, and help them control negative habits or thinking patterns.

Aaron Turamye, Vice chairman at Rwanda Human Resources Management Organisation says that positive affirmations are practices that can bring out the best results in employees at work and that can help them overcome certain issues.

"Positive affirmations are important in inspiring staff to work harder. The practice raises the energy level of staff; it also reduces stress, depression and improves the well-being of staff at the workplace.  Positive affirmations should be used to encourage staffs that are doing well to perform better, this practice may also be used for employees who are underperforming because they are experiencing negative moments in their lives due to family-related issues, financial difficulties, or other negative situations,” he says.

Emmy Nshimiye, the human resource manager at Safintra Rwanda Ltd says that due to covid-19, a lot of people faced many mixed emotions due to a shift in the mode of working, which greatly affected their productivity and mood- so positive affirmations are needed to bring back the positive mood and courage.

Positive affirmations are what everyone needs at workplace currently; covid-19 has made so many people feel overwhelmed by a lot of things. So many people lost their jobs and those who stayed at work feel somehow insecure. Yes, the government used possible ways to mitigate the negative impacts of Covid-19 to people but there is still that feeling that is dumbfounding,” Nshimiye says.

"Everyone needs to have that attitude or that phrase in mind that he or she repeats to him or herself when feeling overwhelmed, or as part of your daily routine. That thing which always boosts confidence and boosts motivation; that’s what you always need to tell yourself or others,” he adds.


Positive affirmations reassure a person and build confidence in them. They help a person to develop trust in themselves that they are capable, says Clarisse Uwineza an illustrator.

She reveals how often she uses them especially when heading for a job interview. 

"Before going for an interview, I say to myself "I am confident and I will do great,’ I keep on repeating that phrase in my mind till the time the interview is due, as I keep on telling myself that, I build a strong reassurance in me that I am capable and no one can crush my confidence in that room of interviewers,” she says. 

According to Indeed career website, repeating positive affirmations can provide multiple benefits for your work life. They include:

Improved skills. Daily positive mantras can help you become more proficient at skills vital to your professional success.

Sharpened focus. Affirmations can help you reduce distractions at work and concentrate on activities that increase your contribution to organisational goals.

Improved interpersonal relationships Invoking a mantra can improve your interpersonal skills by helping you to promote positive reactions and feelings about others.

How to use positive affirmations

Repeat before starting work. Repeating affirmations before starting work can help set a good tone for the day. Saying "I will be productive today” for a few minutes before you begin the day’s activities can help increase your motivation levels and boost productivity. 

Use during meditation. You can incorporate mantras into your meditation. Affirmations such as "My mind is free from stress and worry” can help you relax and improve your focus. 

Pair with goal setting. A great way to make affirmations more effective is to combine them with goals. For example, you can repeat or visualise the affirmation "I have confidence in my ability to present in front of others” to enhance your presentation skills.

Use positive thinking techniques. You can encourage positive thoughts by repeating affirmations.