Hosting international tourneys gives exposure to tennis players - Karenzi
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Carine Nishimwe is one of several young talented tennis players in the country. / File

The President of the Rwanda Tennis Federation (RTF) Théoneste Karenzi says hosting the International Tennis Federation tournaments (ITF) in Rwanda is a development that provides more exposure to local players,

Rwanda is hosting a junior ITF tournament which got underway on Saturday, February 12 in Kigali, bringing together 83 junior tennis players from 33 countries from different continents.

The countries represented at the competition are: Australia, Burundi, Belgium, Canada, Cameroun, Egypt, Spain, France,Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kenya, South Korea, Morocco, Romania, South Africa, Russia, Rwanda,St.Kitts and Nevis , Serbia, Switzerland, Slovakia, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey and USA.

Speaking about what it means for Rwanda to host the showpiece, Karenzi said:

"As a country, we are very happy to host this tournament because we think it will give our players more exposure and confidence to play against other professionals from across the world. This tournament also falls well into the Meetings Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (Mice) agenda of our country.”

 Theoneste Karenzi, the president of Rwanda Tennis Federation speaking to journalists on Monday.

He added: "This event, as well as future ones, will help to raise the profile of Rwanda tennis and such international tournaments provide the perfect platform for upcoming players to exhibit their talent” Karenzi added.

Aurore Mimosa Munyangaju, Rwanda’s Minister of Sports referred to the tournament as a great opportunity for tennis and sports in Rwanda.

"This tournament represents an occasion for Rwanda to earn a special place in the hearts of tennis fans around the world. The great teamwork between us and the International Tennis Federation (ITF) has made this important achievement possible," she noted.

On Monday this week, the competition headed into the main draw of round one.

Here, 61 players were left in the tournament including 7 Rwandan players (4 boys and 3 girls).

The Rwandan players are; Delphin Iradukunda, Claude Ishimwe, Emmanuel Manishimwe, Gentil Munyekuzo,, Kelia Keza, Shema Mbaruru and Carine Nishimwe.