Perfect Weekend…. Gustave Karara

“I play ping pong and Lake Muhazi is my ideal place away from home.” Below, the president of the Rwanda Diaspora Global Network, Gustave Karara, takes us through what constitutes his Perfect Weekend.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"I play ping pong and Lake Muhazi is my ideal place away from home.” Below, the president of the Rwanda Diaspora Global Network, Gustave Karara, takes us through what constitutes his Perfect Weekend.

Given my busy schedule these days, dealing with many projects at a go including overseeing the progress of the One Dollar Campaign, my weekends are sometimes eaten up.

Normally, my weekend starts on Friday at 5p.m. I relax at home and read newspapers both local and international.
On Saturday I usually play ping pong with my friends here in Kigali, after which I retire home for a drink.

I also do personal researches on different aspects and topics both in my medical profession and other domains. I do this because this is the time I am out of the gruelling week’s tasks.

There are times when I go out for lunch. However, this is normally when there is a friend whom I want to talk with. I, however, prefer having lunch at home.

My favourite recreational destination outside Kigali is Lake Muhazi. Its scenery is breathtaking and it gives me the perfect relaxation I need from the week’s tiring chores. The last time I was there I was completely revitalised.

On Sunday morning, at 8.30, I go for prayer in a nearby Catholic church. After church, I go home for lunch, read books, newspapers and also get some time to watch TV.

On Sunday evenings I hit the road to do some runs for my physical fitness. Its something I have been doing for long and it has helped to keep me fit and flexible.
