Belly fat: Why weight loss matters
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Focusing on a healthy diet will also help the entire body if one is aiming at losing weight in general. Photo/ net.

Having a trimmed or flat tummy may be a dream for many and for some; this could be a goal to strive forward.

According health experts, having a normal waist not only makes one feel better, but it also comes with health benefits as well as keeps one off from health conditions.

Having fat around the midsection also known as belly fat is a huge health risk, which could even shorten one’s life.

 For instance, larger waistlines are linked to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

For this reason, Francis Kazungu a general practitioner says losing weight, especially belly fat is important as it helps improve blood vessel functioning and also improves sleep quality.

Understanding healthy waistline

Evariste Ntaganda, the cardiovascular diseases officer at Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) says having a waistline greater than 40 inches or 102 centimeters puts men at greater risk for complications.

While on the other hand, a waist measurement of 35 inches or 89 centimeters or more is cause for concern for women.

The above measurements, he says indicate an unhealthy concentration of belly fat and a greater risk of health problems.

 Meanwhile, Ntaganda says one’s weight is largely determined by how many calories one consumes, burns off through daily exercise as well as age.

He explains that if one eats too much and exercises too little, they are likely to carry excess weight, including belly fat.

Kazungu says the issue with belly fat is that it's not limited to the extra layer of padding located just below the skin (subcutaneous fat).

Rather, he says it also includes visceral fat, which lies deep inside the abdomen, surrounding internal organs.

He says although subcutaneous fat poses cosmetic concerns, visceral fat is linked with far more dangerous health problems, including, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure breathing problems, among others.

Research also associates belly fat with an increased risk of premature death, regardless of overall weight.

Ways to trim your waist

When it comes to trimming the fat around your belly, David Rukerabigwi, a dietician and nutritionist in Kigali says certain dietary habits and behaviors can help to prevent visceral fat storage and increase the body’s ability to burn off this fat.

He notes that reducing stress is important since stress hormones such as cortisol may play a role in belly fat.

Also, he goes on to note that increasing dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C can help to reduce circulating stress hormones in the body, which may offset the storage of fat in this area.

Nelson Mukasa, a renowned fitness coach says one can also tone abdominal muscles with crunches or other targeted abdominal exercises.

 He however notes that just doing these exercises won't get rid of belly fat but visceral fat responds to the same diet and exercise strategies that help one shed excess pounds and lower their total body fat.

Rukerabigwi says focusing on a healthy diet will also help the entire body if one is aiming at losing weight in general.

  He advises that one should focus on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as well as choose lean sources of protein and low-fat dairy products.

 Also, he advises that one should limit added sugar and saturated fat, which is found in meat and high-fat dairy products, such as cheese and butter.

 Instead, he says one should choose moderate amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, found in fish, nuts, and certain vegetable oils.

 According to nutritionists, it’s also advisable for one to replace sugary beverages with water or beverages with artificial sweeteners instead.


Kazungu says as one loses visceral fat, insulin resistance decreases, allowing sugar to enter cells more freely and allowing blood glucose levels to remain in a healthy range.

Trimming your waistline, he says also helps lower the risks of diabetes.

Diabetes has been shown in research to be linked with belly fat. 

This fat accumulation impairs insulin signaling, decreases glucose uptake by muscle cells, and impairs the liver’s ability to recognise when it should stop releasing additional glucose into the bloodstream.

Also, Kazungu says that losing belly fat increases sleep quality, reduces levels of daytime fatigue, insomnia, restless sleep, and other factors.

He says that obesity and being overweight are also linked with the serious condition sleep apnea, in which soft tissues of the throat close, obstructing breathing.

"Losing weight can help reduce snoring and sleep apnea, and can improve the quality of your sleep in general,” he adds.